Acd Nmr Processor Academic Edition Mac

This report was created by ACD/NMR Processor Academic Edition. For more information go to 8-24082017-NMR-ABT.010.001.1R.esp. ACD/Spectrus Processor Process and interpret all analytical data in one common interface, including NMR, LC/GC/UV/MS, IR, and more. Gain assistance with routine structure verification and access to spectral databases. 1/18/2012 1:42:06 PM Formula C 50 H 99 NO 2 FW 746.3266 (279.4381+466.8885) Acquisition Time (sec) 1.9980 Comment Std Proton parameters Date Jan 16 2012 Date Stamp Jan 16 2012 File Name wetsus04 users∴dpar Project NMR DPAR031.fid fid Frequency (MHz) 400.16 Nucleus 1H Number of Transients 16. Request NMR processing and acquisition licenses Request Form. Latest versions of Bruker NMR software use the CodeMeter licensing system. We offer a possibility of a complimentary exchange of existing FlexLM licenses for corresponding CodeMeter license tickets. NMRSpectroscopy—NMRspectrawereobtainedonaBruker Avance II (700 MHz1H) spectrometer equipped with a cryo- probe, processed with NMRPIPE (18), and analyzed with NMRVIEW (19) or ACD/NMR Processor Academic Edition (Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc., Toronto, Canada).

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data Processing and Analysis with Spectrus Processor

  • Import 1D NMR data (1H, 13C, DEPT, etc.) and 2D NMR data (COSY, TOCSY, HMQC/HSQC/HMBC, NOESY, HETCOR etc.) from Bruker, Agilent/Varian, JEOL, and more
  • Perform manual and/or automatic data processing: Fourier transformation, calibration, peak picking, integration, multiplet analysis etc.
  • Assistance with spectral analysis and interpretation:
    • Attach chemical structures to a spectrum for real-time visual feedback on peak/atom assignments
    • Easily evaluate spectrum/structure consistency using quantitative NMR Match Factor values
    • Search commercial spectral libraries or use the Known Structure Add-on for fast and efficient compound identification
  • Conveniently generate formatted multiplet reports on the fly

Add NMR Predictors to your installation to compare the experimental and predicted spectrum for a given structure, and more. Read more about NMR Predictors.

Acd Nmr Processor Academic Edition Mac

Mass Spectrometry Data Processing and Analysis with Spectrus Processor

  • Import LC/MS, LC/UV/MS and GC/MS data from AB SCIEX, Agilent, Bruker, LECO, PerkinElmer, Shimadzu, Thermo, Waters, and more
  • Perform manual and/or automatic data processing: peak detection, generate extracted ion chromatograms (XICs), total ion chromatograms (TICs), and total absorbance chromatograms (TACs)
  • Assistance with spectral analysis and interpretation:
    • Automatic extraction of relevant chromatogram from structure/formula/mass
    • Automatic confirmation of mass/molecular formula
    • Attach chemical structures to chromatographic peaks to evaluate consistency through color-coded 'MS Match'
    • Screen peaks/total spectra against spectral libraries to accelerate compound identification
  • Comprehensive one-click reports, including annotated chromatograms and spectra

Chromatography Data Processing and Analysis with Spectrus Processor

  • Import chromatographic data from Agilent, AB Sciex, Bruker, Shimadzu, Thermo Scientific, Perkin Elmer, Waters, and more
  • Perform manual/automatic data processing: peak detection, smoothing, baseline correction, and integration
  • Conveniently visualize chromatograms in a series
  • Conveniently visualize chromatograms in a series:
    • Automatically calculate peak areas
    • Assign chemical structures to chromatographic peaks
    • Search the available Applications Database (1444 HPLC/UHPLC applications, and 275 GC applications with structure assignments)
  • Create reports with structure assignments, method parameters, peak tables, annotations, and chromatograms

Optical Data Processing and Analysis with Spectrus Processor

  • Process and interpret data from a variety of optical techniques including:
    • Infra-red spectroscopy (IR, NIR, FIR, MIR UV-Vis)
    • Absorption
    • Raman
    • Reflectance
    • Fluorescence
    • Phosphorescence
    • Circular dichroism (CD)
    • Spectroscopic ellipsometry
  • Import data from Bruker, JASCO, Perkin Elmer, Shimadzu, Thermo Scientific (Nicolet, Galactic), and more
  • Perform manual/automatic data processing on single and multiple spectra: baseline correction, peak picking, smoothing
  • Conveniently visualize spectral series
  • Assistance with spectral analysis and interpretation
    • Attach chemical structures to spectra and assign peaks to structural fragments
    • Verify chemical structures using the knowlegebase of spectra-structure correlations or available content databases
      • IR Assigned Polymers
      • Raman Assigned Amino Acids
  • One-click reports display key elements of your analysis
Acd Nmr Processor Academic Edition Mac

Acd Nmr Processor Academic Edition Macbook Pro

Processing and Analysis for additional techniques with Spectrus Processor

Acd Nmr Processor Academic Edition Machinery

  • Handle a wide range of analytical data, including:
    • EELS (Electron Energy Loss Spectra)
    • Thermal analysis (DSC, DTA, TGA)
    • DMA
    • Calorimetry
    • Titrimetric methods
    • Voltametric methods
    • X-ray methods (powder diffraction, fluorescence, and photoelectron)
    • ESR spectroscopy
    • Kinetics
  • Perform various X- and Y-axis conversions and data manipulation manually or automatically
  • Attach chemical structures to curves
  • Conveniently visualize and compare series of related spectra
  • Perform spectral based database searches
  • Report your analysis with a single click
Handle a wide array of x,y data including thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)